

Promoting best practices in homelessness services by providing quality training and education to providers

We provide professional development to a variety of community providers including social work, behavioral health care, affordable housing, and clinical practice. Training topics provide evidence-based practices for working with individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness.

Through continued research, new models, practices, and methods are being developed to end homelessness more effectively in communities across the nation. These practices are often cutting-edge, evidence-based, and cost-effective in comparison to their traditional counterparts. Yet, connecting providers with these practices is often difficult, due to the complexity of, and the resources required, to adopt such practices.

The NH Coalition to End Homelessness is seeking to fill that gap by coordinating and offering a variety of professional development trainings to providers throughout the state. Trainings are flexible and can be tailored to the needs of your organization or group. For training inquiries or requests, please email